Dear Development Heads and ADC Directors,
World Athletics is hosting the third webinar for the She Runs-She Leads Webinar Series on Thursday 27 October 2022.
Please can you distribute this information to your Member Federations.
Register: HERE
Learn to manage key stakeholders in your career & gain influential skills
10.00 Paris Time (French Translation provided)
16.00 Paris Time (Spanish Translation provided)
In this live and dynamic online Global Webinar, you will:
- Identify the key stakeholders, discover other key players who you might be overlooking and who you need to manage.
- Understand what your stakeholders want – discover their key motivators
- Categorise your stakeholders – not every stakeholder has a high priority
- Develop an approach for each category stakeholder
- Discover three proven powerful phrases to help you gain influence and reduce resistance in your career and relationships
How to get ready for this engaging session:
- Reflect and identify at least 1 or 2 persons who you know you will need to influence positively and gain their support in your career, campaign, election, or project.
- Be ready to work and get fully engaged in this online session, reduce distractions when possible. And have paper/pen at hand.